Friday, 7 May 2010


I bought two digitalis plants today.

Frecked cream insides to stand with the hollyhocks against the small south-facing wall where only last Saturday I planted a rose for my father who is burried in red soil far from this loam. I have never successfully grown a rose before - not really - not the kind with thousands of fragrant flowers all summer for years and years - but this one I will tend like a grave.

Digitalis - The Collins English Dictionary 1989
  1. any Eurasian scrophulariaceous plants of the genus Digitalis, such as foxgloves, having bell-shaped flowers and a basal rosette of leaves
  2. a drug prepared from the dried leaves or seeds of the foxglove: a mixture of glycosides used medicinally as a heart stimuleant [C17; from the New Latin, from Latin: relating to a finger (refering to the corollas of the flower); based on German Fingerhut foxglove, literally: finger-hat]

Digitalis. Foxglove. Finger-hat.


Writing fingers.

Right now.

Wright now.

At last.

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